Finally, it is important to ensure that you only purchase design files from reputable sources and that you do not support piracy in any way. If the seller does not refund you, you can also report the seller to the platform where you made the purchase, such as Etsy or Amazon, so that appropriate action can be taken. Next, contact the seller and ask for a refund, stating that you believe the design file to be created from a pirated version of Vectric software. Firstly, stop using the file and delete it from your computer. If you have unknowingly purchased a pirated design file from an online seller, it is essential to take immediate action. What to Do if You Purchased a Pirated Design File from an Online Seller

The person who sent you the file likely purchased this pirated software from a third-party seller on eBay or another online marketplace.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to open the file, because it was created in a pirated version of the software. When you attempt to open a file in Vectric software and encounter the 12663 error code, you'll see a message that says "fail to open file," along with the error code number and the file location. In this blog post, we'll explain what the error code means, and why it's important to use legitimate software. This code usually appears when someone shares a file with you that was created in a pirated version of Vectric software. In turn, this demands reconsideration of the factors underlying the emergence and endurance of the English kingdom.If you're a Vectric software user, you may come across an error code, 12663, which can prevent you from opening a file. This interpretation of the OEB has significant implications for our understanding of the significance of ‘Englishness’ and of whether it was believed that the English were a ‘chosen people’ who enjoyed a ‘special relationship’ with God. Rather, he appears to have aimed to produce a text focussed on the inculcation of virtue through examples.

It seems that the translator was not concerned with promoting an English ideology.

This is significant, since there are indications that the OEB was more widely known that the HE in the tenth century. It is often argued that Bede provided an ideological blueprint for the creation of a single English kingdom in the tenth century, but the parts of the HE upon which this interpretation depends are among those omitted from the OEB. It adds little to Bede's text but makes substantial excisions and abbreviations, removing much historical narrative, many quoted documents and most references to theological controversy. The Old English Bede (OEB), a vernacular version of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica (HE), was written sometime before c.900, possibly at King Alfred's behest.